Workplace wellbeing in contemporary office design

Wellbeing is trending, especially in our post-pandemic world. People started to rethink their work-life balance, eventually leading to adjusted expectations of the workplace environment. The demand for comfort and flexibility plays a major role in the emergence of workplace wellbeing as an important strategic business asset. In this blog, modulyss explains how this affects contemporary office design and how the use of carpet flooring caters to the demands of the so-called blended workspace.

1 | What is wellbeing exactly?

Wellbeing isn’t just a mere synonym for happiness or health. As human beings we seek meaning and purpose in life and we find a deeper kind of satisfaction through social connections and personal accomplishments. Wellbeing stems from being part of something surpassing the individual, as contributing to a greater society leads to a more fulfilling existence.

According to the World Health Organization a strong sense of wellbeing contributes to mental health, leading to more people being able to realize their potential in life as well as in the working environment.

2 | Why is workplace wellbeing an important business asset?

Both the individual as well as businesses can hugely benefit from workplace wellbeing. As mental health issues are one of the primary causes of employee absenteeism, a working environment supporting the wellbeing of its staff members has multiple advantages:

  • Decreased sick leave
  • Increased staff productivity and creativity
  • Improved employee engagement, loyalty and retention
  • Reduction in recruitment and training costs
  • Increased revenue
  • Better company reputation

As such workplace wellbeing is a strategy to attract, engage, reward and retain talent.

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3 | Which factors contribute to workplace wellbeing?

There are numerous aspects that positively affect workplace wellbeing. As an employer you can:

  • Recognize and reward staff members
  • Enable staff members to find a healthy work-life balance
  • Offer good leadership that supports interpersonal relationships
  • Provide a suitable working environment

It is with regards to this last aspect, that interior design (and in our case flooring design) can play its part. Creating a workplace where people can thrive, involves a commitment to stress management and dealing with environmental triggers like poor lighting or noise exposure.

Office design that’s aimed at wellbeing wants to create flexible collaborative spaces that enhance the relationship between people and their environment.

4 | How to design a collaborative workspace?

As happiness and wellbeing are highly subjective, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to healthy workplace design. As a designer you have to understand the company culture, the individual roles and personalities of employees and the activities in which they engage. Through proper analysis, one can build a foundation for a custom made agile working environment that supports the various demands of its different users. Offering staff members a sufficient amount of options is key, as different personalities may prefer to work in different ways and in different parts of the office.

One method to create such a multifunctional collaborative workplace is by making use of zoning. It involves the positioning of collaborative areas or ‘collision zones’ and of the different teams in relation to each other. Artcore, our latest collection of sustainable carpet tiles, offers a whole new approach when it comes to this particular technique.

In line with the philosophy of biophilia, a concept that highlights the importance of the connection between people and their natural environment, if features a variety of natural patterns that can be combined into ambitiously unique flooring plans.

Thanks to grandient tiles, different zones within the office can be defined through patterned transitions. As such this modular flooring solution enables interior designers to approach their projects with a limitless scope of possibilities, while supporting employee wellbeing through biophilic design.

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5 | What’s the benefit of natural light sources?

Scientific research has proven that natural light has a huge impact on our physical health. Natural sunlight provides us with vitamin D and reduces feelings of anxiety and depression. Moreover it regulates the circadian rhythm of the human body by suppressing melatonin levels, so we can function optimally during the day. Artificial lighting does exactly the opposite and has a negative impact on our heath, including headaches, lower energy levels and productivity.

When designing for office wellbeing, many interior designers incorporate the use of large windows and light reflecting materials, optimizing the use of natural light sources. At the same time they’re making the office space more energy efficient by reducing the need for artificial lighting.

Tip! - Did you know modulyss’s Artcore collection, comes in a range of muted colours with optimal light reflectance values? Learn more about LRV via the collection’s data sheet.

6 | How does colour affect the office interior?

Different colour schemes evoke different emotional responses in human beings. Proper use of colour psychology within office design can have a huge impact on employee wellbeing. For office environments it is key to create a well balanced pallet of colours and shades that improves productivity without overstimulating our senses.

Rather than bright and bold colours, which are known to be distracting, more subtle hues or colour shades are preferred when designing for wellbeing. The chosen colour scheme should evoke a sense of calm and foster creativity at the same time. Greens, blues and purples are considered ideal, with green having the extra asset through its association with our natural surroundings. It stimulates creation by bringing the outdoors in.

Of course it doesn’t mean you can’t use brighter hues like orange and red. They’re a perfect fit for those collaborative areas in which you want to spike creativity.

Tip! – Access professional advice from renowned colour specialist Laura Perryman via a dedicated blog post on colour trends in the post-pandemic office.

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