modulyss’ London Showroom concept: a collab with Morgan Lovell

From the 23rd until the 25th of May modulyss took part in Clerkenwell Design Week. Especially for this occasion, we temporarily opened up our newest venue at Clerkenwell Road for a sneak peek at our brand new London showroom.

You could just pay us a visit or attend one of our interesting talks and workshops, to discover the ins and outs of contemporary interior design. In the aftermath of this exciting event, we’d like to share the story behind the design of our London showroom.

1 | Meet the designers

In the first episode of a dedicated video series of modulyss talks, the two designers behind the showroom concept reveal how they experienced their collaboration and talk about what makes them tick.

Let’s start with introducing the women behind the showroom concept: Karolina Samuilaite, Senior Designer at Morgan Lovell, one of UK’s leading office fit out companies, took care of the overall interior design of the showroom. Modulyss very own Interior Concept Designer, Jolien de Metzeler created the flooring plan for our London venue.

The carpet in the London showroom is the main actor of the space, so my design is aimed at complementing the ever changing modulyss collections.

- Karolina Simulaite, Morgan Lovell

2 | The requirements of contemporary office design

According to Jolien, one of the demands in modern office design is the ability to quickly adapt or change an interior. The modularity of carpet tiles allows for rapid adaptation and flexibility. It enables designers to come up with unique flooring plans for offices that cater to the agile working trend.

Karolina stresses the importance of employee wellbeing in the office, which is facilitated through biophilic design. Studies have shown that the use of timber finishes and the presence of plants across an office space actively reduce stress levels, which automatically leads to increased productivity.

“At modulyss the biophilic trend is already incorporated on the level of our product design. We choose colours and patterns of which we know they have a positive impact on people’s wellbeing.”

– Jolien De Metzeler, modulyss

modulyss showroom london

3 | A three dimensional approach of sustainability

modulyss greatly cares about the environment and acknowledges the importance of sustainability and circularity regarding the use of raw materials and their production processes. Jolien emphasizes the predominant use of recycled yarns like Econyl and the fact that most of modulyss’ collections are therefore Cradle to Cradle Certified.

“I consider sustainability to be three dimensional. It’s not only about the story behind the finished product. You also have to be sure the product is made in an ethical way, which means no human rights are being violated during the entire production process.”

- Karolina Samuilaite, Morgan Lovell

Karolina applauds the fact that modulyss openly informs designers about their production processes. That way designers can be sure their demands in terms of sustainability are actually met.

modulyss showroom london

The future of office design

modulyss will continue to increase its sustainability efforts in the future to keep up with the demands of designers that want to make a difference by creating offices where people feel safe and are able to express themselves.

As Karolina sums up the future of office design: sustainable, flexible and cultural. We’re in!

Curious about the full story behind our London Showroom? Watch the entire first episode of our modulyss talks series below!

Showroom visit

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Ruben De Reu - Product & Marketing Director

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